Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC
Adjunct Clinical Affiliate, University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing;
Private Practice, Austin, Texas
University of Texas at Austin, School of Nursing
As clinicians, we all want to better serve our patients but sadly, mental health outcomes are lackluster at best. As the story of psychedelic-assisted therapy began to circulate, we were excited about the possibilities. Even though the field is rapidly developing, opinions about psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy vary as do outcomes. Additionally, there is a lack of standardized protocols and training. This session will explore the world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, the practice of combining psychedelics with therapeutic techniques for healing. We will delve into the history of psychedelic-assisted therapy, its practical applications, and some promising results in using this approach in treating mental health conditions. Ethical considerations and future directions will also be discussed.
Developed in partnership with SANA
Developed in collaboration with Sana Symposium, the official meeting of the Psychedelic Medicine Association, these sessions were designed to deliver promising research and breakthrough treatment therapies from the emerging field of psychedelic therapies.